Using the provided prefab
The Modular system comes with an exiting prefab to get your game up and running as fast as possible. All of the work that was shown in the Building your own Prefab lesson has already been done to these models. You can implement this immediately in your game.
Parent Prefab
The Parent prefab can be found at the following location. Assets/Dragonsan/ModularCustomizationSystem/Prefabs/SyntyModularCharactersHNG_org.prefab As long as you have loaded the Modular Character from Synty, you should see a functional prefab as below.
Note: This requires the Synty Modular Character as noted earlier in this course. If you do not have it you can obtain it here.
Male Variant
The male variant can be found in the folder structure Assets at the following path /Dragonsan/ModularCustomizationSystem/Resources/ModularCharactersHNG.prefab this prefab is setup as a male and has the changes made to the scripts and character model to resemble a male character. All the male items are already defined on the modular character as required. Always refer back to this when making your own prefabs from Synty as the proper way to set them up.
Female Variant
The female variant can be found in the folder structure Assets at the following path /Dragonsan/ModularCustomizationSystem/Resources/ModularFemaleCharactersHNG.prefab this prefab is setup as a female and has the changes made to the scripts and character model to resemble a female character. All the male items are already defined on the modular character as required. Always refer back to this when making your own prefabs from Synty as the proper way to set them up.