This covers the Windows installation of Unity 2019.4.12, Atavism X.2.1, the Atavism Editor and the Atavism Manager.
n addition to this, we will configure the private key for secure communications and log into our running server. Stay tuned for further videos on other aspects of Atavism setup, usage and configuration.
You can use this for whichever version of Atavism X.X you may want, just replace the version shown here with the proper version you are installing. In this video I specify core or demo, I highly recommend you starting with the demo if you are just beginning with your Atavism journey.
The OpenSSL link seems to have the builds sometimes and not at other times, I used the second link in the Wiki which has an experimental branch built against VC 2017. You may need the VC 2017 C++ support files in order to run that version.
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