Fly Camera
The Fly Camera is a camera control system that enables users to navigate around a 3D scene freely. It provides an intuitive and flexible way of moving the camera by allowing the user to control the camera’s position, orientation, and field of view. The Fly Camera is useful for exploring complex 3D environments, inspecting objects from different angles, and creating cinematic camera shots.
The Fly Camera provides several control modes, including WASD-style movement for panning, strafing, and tilting the camera, as well as mouse-based rotation and zooming. The camera’s movement can be controlled using both absolute and relative modes, allowing users to move the camera to specific locations or to move it relative to its current position. Additionally, the Fly Camera supports automatic collision detection, preventing the camera from passing through objects in the scene.
The Fly Camera can be used in a variety of applications, including video games, architectural visualization, and virtual tours. It is especially useful in applications that require a high degree of user control over the camera’s movement, such as first-person games, where the player’s viewpoint is critical to gameplay.
Overall, the Fly Camera is a powerful tool for controlling the camera in a 3D scene. It provides an intuitive and flexible way of navigating around the scene, and it can be customized to fit a wide variety of use cases.
The FlyCamera
class is a C# script that provides basic movement controls for a camera in a Unity scene. The script is simple to use, allowing for easy drag and drop integration into a scene. The script provides basic movement functionality using the WASD keys, with shift to accelerate movement, and space to move the camera only on the X and Z axes.
Interface pages:
Constructor pages:
Method pages:
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
Start() | void | Unity method that is called when the script is first initialized. In this case, it sets the Cursor.lockState to CursorLockMode.Confined . |
Update() | void | Unity method that is called every frame. This is where the movement logic for the camera is implemented. |
GetBaseInput() | Vector3 | Private method that returns a Vector3 containing the basic movement values for the camera. |
Property pages:
Property Name | Type | Description |
mainSpeed | float | The regular movement speed for the camera. |
shiftAdd | float | The amount to multiply the regular movement speed by when the shift key is held. |
maxShift | float | The maximum movement speed when the shift key is held. |
camSens | float | The sensitivity of the camera movement when using the mouse. |
Event pages:
Concept/guide pages: