Harvestable Object Generator
The automated system requires three models to function properly. The first model is a prefab containing the item to be harvested and tagged with the vegetation type to harvest. The second is a prefab created by duplicating the first and adding the Harvestable Object script, which also adds the Network Identity script. Colliders are added by default, but adding colliders will help detect the item. Finally, duplicate the second prefab to create a prefab for the vegetation objects that will spawn when the item is harvested or broken. You can find more detailed instructions in the manual section.
The object generator is a perfect way to quickly and easily setup individual or whole folders of harvestable prefabs. Using the generator you can define all the values for an individual item and it will create the needed prefabs and item file to load all items. Add your Harvester and Network Manager to have it fill in the items you generate.
Watch this video to see it in action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdE996hEWZ0