The HarvestableObject is a class in the Unity game engine that represents an object that can be harvested by the player or other entities in the game. It contains a variety of properties and methods that allow it to be customized and interacted with in different ways.
HarvestableObjects can be configured with a range of different harvestable components, such as HarvestableChildren and HarvestableColliders, which can be used to define the specific parts of the object that can be harvested. The HarvestableMask can also be used to define the specific areas of the object that can be harvested.
The HarvestableObject class also contains a number of properties that define its appearance, behavior, and interaction with the game world. These include its mesh, materials, health, and various audio and visual effects that can be triggered when the object is harvested.
In addition to its properties, the HarvestableObject class also includes a number of methods that allow it to be interacted with by other game objects. For example, the OnHarvested method is called when the object is harvested, allowing it to trigger any relevant effects or events.
Overall, the HarvestableObject class is a versatile and powerful tool for game developers looking to add dynamic and customizable harvesting mechanics to their games.
Overview page:
HarvestableObject is a C# script that is used to define the properties and behavior of harvestable objects in a Unity game. It defines the health and regeneration of the object, how it can be damaged by tools, and the number of child objects that can be spawned or despawned based on the object’s health.
Interface pages:
Constructor pages:
Method pages:
Method | Description |
Awake() | Called when the script instance is being loaded. |
Heal() | Used to regenerate the health of the object. |
Start() | Called before the first frame update. |
OnMouseOver() | Called when the mouse is over the object. |
Update() | Called once per frame. |
AlignCamera() | Aligns the object to the main camera. |
UpdateUi(float maxHealth, float curHealth) | Updates the health bar UI. |
DestroySelf() | Destroys the object. |
HandleChildren() | Handles the spawning and despawning of child objects based on the object’s health. |
RandomObject(List<HarvestableChild> thisChild2) | Returns a random child object from a list. |
RandomObject2(List<HarvestableChild> thisChild2) | Returns a random inactive child object from a list. |
spawnChild() | Spawns a child object. |
despawnChild() | Despawns a child object. |
Modifier and Type | Property | Description |
public bool | enableHealthUI | Enable the health UI on the Vegetation objects. |
public bool | enableRegen | Enable the vegetation object the ability to regenerate health. |
public float | harvestableHealth | The health that the harvestable object currently has. |
public float | maxHealth | The maximum health that the harvestable object has. |
public float | healthBarLength | How long the healthbar is. |
public float | healTime | The time that is required to heal the object. |
public float | lerp | This is the amount of health regen that is currently occuring. |
public float | smoothing | The amount of smoothing applied to the healing, this is to cap the ups and downs of the health flow. |
public GameObject | healthBar | The healthbar UI object. |
public Vector3 | healthBarOffset | The offset for the healthbar UI object. |
public int | recoveryTickRate | The number of tickets that must pass before healing itself. |
public float | recoveryPerTick | The amount of recovery per tick. Low values are harder to approximate, if you want it to heal slow increase the recoveryTickRate above in addition to this. |
public int | terrainIndex | The terrain index of the harvestable object. |
public bool | enableChildren | Whether or not the harvestable object has children. |
public List<HarvestableChild> | HarvestableObjectChildren | A list of the harvestable object’s children. |
public int | childPerHealth | The number of children per health. |
public int | numberofChildren | The number of children of the harvestable object. |
public List<string> | toolType | The tag of the tool that can damage this harvestable object. |
public List<string> | damageToolType | The tag of the tool to start damaging. Todo. |
public List<string> | weakToolType | The tag of the tool to start damaging. Todo. |
public int | damageToTool | The amount of damage this object will do to the tool. |
public float | damageToToolMultiplier | The amount of damage multiplied this object will do to the tool. |
public float | harvestingRestoreTime | The time it takes for the tree to grow back. |
public int | skillLevelRequired | The skill level required to harvest the object. |